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Tu B'Shvat

Tu Bishvat, the 15th of Shvat, is Rosh Hashana for the trees and the fruits they bear. This date has Halachic implications regarding Mitzvot of fruits grown in Eretz Yisrae; For instance, ערלה prohibits eating fruits within 3 years of the tree being planted. The 3 years are defined as passing through 3 Tu Bishvat dates. 

Historically, Tu Bishvat was not a Chag, but the Shulchan Aruch, brings a custom not to say תחנון on Tu Bishvat. As well, In Kabbalah, Tu Bishvat became a Chag celebrating the fruits of Eretz Yisrael. Therefore, some have a Seder Tu Bishvat with at least 15 types of fruits from Eretz Yisrael, reciting over each fruit one chapter of the 15 Shir Ha'malos (Psalms 120 to 134).

Today, However, Tu Bishvat is celebrated as the Chag of Eretz Yisrael. The Zionists who made Aliyah in early 20th century turned Tu Bishvat into a celebration of building the land of Yisrael, and made it a custom to plant trees on this day. For this symbolic reason, the first day of construction (הנחת אבן הפינה) of Hebrew University (1918), the Technion (1925), and the Knesset (1949) was on Tu Bishvat.

There are many children songs for Tu Bishvat, CLICK HERE for a nice medley.

A text in the Talmud (תענית ה) about Ilan, a tree, also became associated with Tu Bishvat. The Talmud speaks about a blessing to a person who has it all and compares it to a blessing one gives a perfect tree: '...Tree, tree, wherewith can I bless you? That your fruit may be sweet? t is already sweet; that you shall afford plenty of shade? that also you do; that a spring may be near you? even that you have. The one thing left me to wish is, that all trees planted from your seeds may be as fruitful as you are.'

Many songs were written for this text:

CLICK HERE for Ilan by Aish.

CLICK HERE for Ilan by Shwekey 

CLICK HERE for Ilan Medley 

CLICK HERE for another Chasidic Ilan Medley

CLICK HERE for Ilan by Yiddle Werdiger


Below are songs for Shir Ha'malos, which are recited in Seder Tu Bishvat.

CLICK HERE for Shir La'Maalot.

CLICK HERE for Eso Einai, HERE for Yehi Shalom and  HERE for Lema'an Achai, all by Carlebach

CLICK HERE for Shir Ha'Maalot by Yoselle Rosenblatt 

CLICK HERE for Shir Ha'Maalot by Dovid Werdiger 

Wed, February 5 2025 7 Shevat 5785
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